
■ 2007年度 国 際 学 会

No. Authors タイトル / 学会名 / 日時 / 場所
1 Sahara H, Weiss MJ, Ng CY, Houser SL, Pujara AC, Sayre JK, Wain JC, Sachs DH, Madsen JC, Allan JS Thymectomy does not abrogate long-term acceptance of MHC class I-disparate lung allografts. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 26th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. 2007.4.25-28. San Francisco, USA
2 Sahara H, Shoji T, Ng CY, Weiss MJ, Muniappan A, Guenther DA, Houser SL, Pujara AC, Sayre JK, Wain JC, Sachs DH, Madsen JC, Allan JS The role of indirect recognition of MHC class I and II allopeptides in lung transplantation in miniature swine. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 26th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. 2007.4.25-28. San Francisco, USA
3 Sahara H, Weiss MJ, Wikiel KJ, Sayre JK, Pujara AC, Ng CY, Cho PL, Horner BM, Houser SL, Wain JC, Sachs DH, Madsen JC, Huang CA, Allan JS Mixed hematopoietic chimerism prevents lung allograft rejection in miniature swine. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 26th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. 2007.4.25-28. San Francisco, USA

■ 2006年度 国 際 学 会

No. Authors タイトル / 学会名 / 日時 / 場所
1 Sahara H, Shoji T, Ng CY, Weiss MJ, Muniappan A, Guenther DA, Houser SL, Pujara AC, Sayre JK, Wain JC, Sachs DH, Madsen JC, Allan JS The role of indirect recognition of MHC class I and II allopeptides in a fully MHC-mismatched miniature swine of lung transplantation. World Transplant Congress 2006. 2006.7.22-27. Boston, USA.
2 Sahara H, Weiss MJ, Ng CY, Houser SL, Pujara AC, Sayre JK, Wain JC, Sachs DH, Madsen JC, Allan JS Thymectomy does not abrogate long-term acceptance of MHC class I-disparate lung allografts. World Transplant Congress 2006. 2006.7.22-27. Boston, USA.