
■ 2016年度 シンポジウム・特別公演・招待講演

No. Authors タイトル / 学会名 / 日時 / 場所
1 佐原 寿史, 関島 光裕, 室川 剛廣, 有吉 勇一, 岩永 健裕, 市成 ゆりか, 齋藤 敏樹, 中野 和明, 松成 ひとみ, 長嶋 比呂志, 山田 和彦 シンポジウム1「先端医療技術の開発」「臨床実施を目指したミニブタ・霊長類間前臨床異種移植研究の推進」. 第4回日本先進医工学ブタ研究会. 2016.10.7-8 (8). 三島市
2 関島 光裕 「透析チームが知っておくべきバスキュラーアクセスの基礎から臨床〜内シャント・人工血管・PTAを実際の現場から考える〜」公益社団法人鹿児島県臨床工学技士会第6回透析セミナー.2017.1. 21. 鹿児島市

■ 2016年度 国際学会

No. Authors タイトル / 学会名 / 日時 / 場所
1 Sahara H, Sekijima M, Iwanaga T, Ichinari Y, Shimizu A, Yamada K MHC-inbred CLAWN miniature swine as preclinical large animal model for lung transplantation. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 36th Annual Meeting. 2016.4.27-30 (29). Washington DC, US
2 Ariyoshi Y, Sahara H, Sekijima M, Murokawa T, Iwanaga T, Ichinari Y, Shimizu A, Yamada K Effects of brain death (BD) or cardiac death (DCD) on allogeneic lung graft survival in preclinical MHC-inbred CLAWN miniature swine. 26th International Congress of the Transplantation Society. 2016.8.20-23 (20). Hong Kong, China
3 Waki S, Sahara H, Mitsui K, Sekijima M, Murokawa T, Iwanaga T, Ichinari Y, Kosai K, Yamada K Efficacious combination of substrate and medium for feeder-free culture of naive porcine iPS. 26th International Congress of the Transplantation Society. 2016.8.20-23 (20). Hong Kong, China
4 Murokawa T, Sahara H, Iwanaga T, Sekijima M, Ariyoshi Y, Ichinari Y, Shimizu A, Yamada K DNA-typed, MHC-inbred CLAWN miniature swine represent a highly-valuable species for the development of preclinical translational research in transplantation and regenerative medicine. 26th International Congress of the Transplantation Society. 2016.8.20-23 (23). Hong Kong, China
5 Sahara H, Nagashima H, Sekijima M, Murokawa T, Iwanaga T, Ariyoshi Y, Ichinari Y, Nakano K, Matsunari H, Shimizu A, Yamada K Carbon monoxide reduces acute pulmonary dysfunction in GalT-KO pig-to-cynomolgus monkey orthotopic lung transplantation. 26th International Congress of the Transplantation Society. 2016.8.20-23 (23). Hong Kong, China
6 Sekijima M, Sahara H, Morita S, Ogawa Y, Miki K, Murokawa T, Iwanaga T, Ichinari Y, Shimizu A, Yamada K Hydrogen sulfide prevents the kidney from ischemia reperfusion injury in CLAWN miniature swine. 26th International Congress of the Transplantation Society. 2016.8.20-23 (23). Hong Kong, China
7 Yamada K, Tanabe T, Sekijima M, Kawai A, Villani V, Tasaki M, Shimizu A, Sachs D Donor DCs in chimeric vascularized thymic grafts, but not antigen-presenting host DCs, play an essential role in the induction of tolerance of solid organs in a preclinical large animal model. 26th International Congress of the Transplantation Society. 2016.8.20-23 (20). Hong Kong, China
8 Tasaki M, Villani V, Sekijima M, Kawai A, Shimizu A, Sachs D. Yamada K Role of bone marrow maturity, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) and forkhead box protein N1 (FOXN1) in thymic involution and rejuvenation in a preclinical large animal model. 26th International Congress of the Transplantation Society. 2016.8.20-23 (20). Hong Kong, China