

No. Authors Title / Journal / year / volume / page
1 Sekijima M, Waki S, Sahara H, Tasaki M, Wilkinson RA, Villani V, Shimatsu Y, Nakano K, Matsunari H, Nagashima H, Fishman J A, Shimizu A, Yamada K. Results of life-supporting GalT-KO kidneys in cynomolgus monkeys using two different sources of GalT-KO swine. Transplantation. 2014 Aug27;98 (4) :419-426.
2 Miura K, Sahara H, Sekijima M, Kawai A, Waki S, Nishimura H, Setoyama K, Clayman ES, Shimizu A, Yamada K. Protective effect of neutralization of the extracellular high-mobility group box-1 on renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in miniature swine. Transplantation. 2014. Nov 15;98 (9) :937-43.
3 Tasaki M, Shimizu A, Hanekamp I, Torabi R, Villani V, Yamada K. Rituximab treatment prevents the early development of proteinuria following pig-to-baboon xeno-kidney transplantation. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014 Apr;25 (4) :737-44. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2013040363. Epub 2014 Jan 23.
4 Yamada K, Tasaki M, Sekijima M, Wilkinson RA, Villani V, Moran SG, Cormack TA, Hanekamp IM, Arn JS, Fishman JA, Shimizu A, Sachs DH. Porcine cytomegalovirus infection is associated with early rejection of kidney grafts in a pig to baboon xenotransplantation model. Transplantation. 2014 Aug27;98 (4) :411-418.
5 佐原 寿史, 山田 和彦 異種移植:臨床応用をめざした前臨床研究の進歩.消化器外科.2014; 37 (8) 1279-1285.
6 佐原 寿史, 山田 和彦 異種移植はどこまできたか.Medical Science Digest 2014; 40 (12) 582-585.
7 Scalea JR, Okumi M, Villani V, Shimizu A, Nishimura H, Gillon BC, Torabi R, Cormack T, Moran S, LeGuern C, Sachs DH, Yamada K. Abrogation of renal allograft tolerance in MGH miniature swine: The role of intra-graft and peripheral factors in long-term tolerance. Am J Transplant. 2014 Sep;14 (9) :2001-10. doi: 10.1111/ajt.12816.
8 Scalea JR, Villani V, Gillon BC, Weiner J, Gianello P, Turcotte N, Arn JS, Yamada K, Sachs DH. Development of antidonor antibody directed toward non-major histocompatibility complex antigens in tolerant animals. Transplantation. 2014 Sep 15;98 (5) :514-9.
9 Lee PW, Hanekamp JS, Villani V, Vagefi PA, Cina RA, Kamano C, O'Malley PE, Arn S, Yamada K, Sachs DH. Evidence for a gene controlling the induction of transplantation tolerance. Am J Transplant. 2014 Apr;14 (4) :952-9. doi: 10.1111/ajt.12646. Epub 2014 Mar 4.
10 Scalea JR, Torabi R, Tena A, Tasaki M, Gillon BC, Moran S, Cormack T, Villani V, Shimizu A, Sachs DH, Yamada K. The rejuvenating effects of leuprolide acetate on the aged baboon's thymus. Transpl Immunol. 2014 Sep;31 (3) :134-9.